Title: Rigatoni with Eggplant and Dried Tomato Pesto

Category: Pasta, Quick And Easy, Vegetables



Cut onion into 8 wedges.
Place in a 13x9x2-inch baking pan; brush with 1 tablespoon of the olive oil.
Roast in a 425 oven for 10 min.
Cut stem off eggplant. Cut eggplant in half length-wise. Brush with remaining oil.
Stir onion and place eggplant in pan, cut side down.
Roast for 15 min or until onion is brown and eggplant is tender.

Cook pasta and drain.
Toss with Tomato Pesto and pepper.
Cut eggplant into 1/2 inch thick slices.
Toss eggplant and onion with the pasta.
Season to taste with salt pepper cheese and parsley.

Dried Tomato Pesto

Drain tomatoes. Save the oil and add olive oil to equal 1/2 cup.
Food process all other ingredients adding oil slowly.